Darren's BLC10 Home Page » Design Matters! » What Can I Do Now? » A Day in the Life
Building Learning Communities Conference
Boston, Massachusetts July 14-16, 2010
Below you will find descriptions of each of the presentations I gave this year at Alan November's Building Learning Communities Conference. There is a page on the wiki devoted to each presentation where you can find an archive of the slides and some additional content.
Contact info:
blog: A Difference
email: dkuropatwa {at} gmail {dot} com
on twitter: dkuropatwa
on slideshare: dkuropatwa
on del.icio.us: dkuropatwa
on diigo dkuropatwa
on flickr: dkuropatwa
it's the same all across the netiverse ...
Wednesday, July 14 @ 10:15am
A practical exploration of the intersection between Visual Design, Presentation Design, and Instructional Design. Every day, several times a day, teachers everywhere are called upon to educate, entertain, elucidate, enlighten, and maintain attention amongst their students. With the advent of Interactive White Boards and/or video projectors in classrooms everywhere, the intersection of these skills is fast becoming a centrepiece of an educators toolkit. This presentation will model and illustrate concrete ways in which teachers can incorporate these skills into their daily pedagogical practice.
Thursday, July 15 @ 11:30am
In this session, learn how teachers can redesign their lessons to take advantage of social media and free tools available on the Internet. Emphasizing pedagogy over tools, we’ll connect research-based pedagogy and 21st Century Learning skills to using flickr, wikis, Google Maps and mashups of a great many more tools. You’ll walk away with lots of ideas to give your lessons a Web 2.0 facelift.
Friday, July 16 @ 8:30am
Walk with me through a typical day in the life or a teacher whose pedagogy is infused with all sorts of web 2.0 tools such as slideshare, flickr, twitter and blogs. We'll explore how teaching and professional development intersect in the course of a normal day and how a blog can serve as the central hub for the online presence of several different classes. The discussion will focus more on pedagogy than how a particular tool works.
Have you ever played Presentation Tennis?
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